Julien Mastrangelo

Julien Mastrangelo


Email: julien.mastrangelo@protonmail.com

City: Paris, France

Age: 25

menu iconHello! I'm Julien

I'm a PhD student at the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) in my 2nd year. I have an engineering degree in microelectronics and computer science. I'm looking for a position as an engineer in an innovative company to put my creativity to good use.

menu icon Education

menu iconExperience

menu iconComputer skills

menu iconProjects

Password wallet

Password wallet is C-coded program to save passwords based on SHA-256 hash function and XOR-encryption. Its code is available here.

C Messenger

Matthias Hallgren and I created a chatrooms system, similar to what Facebook Messenger does. We used a static multithreaded Client/Server architecture. Client and server communicate with TCP/IP sockets. Its code is available here.

VHDL modelisation of the AES-128 and design on FPGA

As a school project, I modelised the encryption algorithm AES-128 using the hardware description language VHDL and the modelisation software ModelSim. I coded the four basic operations that make up the AES, the key expander function and the associated FSM. The associated design report can be found here in French. Then, I implemented this AES algorithm on an FPGA.


Personal website developped with HTML5, CSS3, and javascript. The code of this website is available here.

Les Entrepreunariales

Les Entrep' is an 18-week field training program in business creation that allows each young person to reveal his or her entrepreneurial potential and forge professional links with the business world.
I created a business plan for a new indoor connected greenhouse with 3 teammates : Naïma Benali, Lahrache Omar and Hafssa Merzoug. An industrial design student, Yohan Bonnet, imagined with us the design of the greenhouse, wich you can see below.

Autonomous car model

I built a model car capable of staying between 2 laser beams independently with my teammate Eliott. I analyzed its trajectory thanks to a simulation of the car coded with Python. You can see more about it here.

menu iconInterests

Volunteer maths teacher

Once a week, I help kids from my neighborhood with their maths assignement in a community café.

Nature enthusiast

I have an interest in hikings (Gorges du Verdon, Alps, Ireland, ...). I also volunteered in an organic farm with the WWOOF organisation to learn about organic farming.