Julien Mastrangelo

Autonomous model car

I built a model car capable of staying between 2 laser beams independently with my teammate Eliott. I analyzed its trajectory thanks to a simulation of the car coded with Python.
To build the car we put an arduino microcontronller, an electronic circuit, and 2 photodiodes on a model car with 2 engines. Here is the electronic circuit :

We have implemented the following code in the Arduino card.

                int v ;
                int ecart ;
                int pinMoteur = 10;
                int pinMoteur2 = 9;
                int delai1;
                int delai2;
                bool bouton;
                int vg;
                int vd;
                void setup() {
                    ecart = 50;
                    v = 130;
                    vg = v;
                    vd = v;
                    delai1 = 1000; // la voiture tourne pendant delai1 ms
                    delai2 = 1000; // Quand la voiture a fini de tourner, elle a delai2 ms pour retourner entre les lasers
                    bouton = false; // false : la voiture est arrêtée; true : la voiture est en marche
                void loop() {
                    Serial.print("Photodiode gauche : ");
                    Serial.print(analogRead(A0)); //lecture du CAN A0 connecté à la patte - de la photodiode
                    Serial.print("Photodiode droite : ");
                    Serial.print(analogRead(A1)); //lecture du CAN A1 connecté à la patte - de la photodiode
                    Serial.print("bouton :");
                    if (analogRead(A2) >= 1000)
                        bouton = not(bouton);
                    if (bouton)
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur, vg);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur2, vd);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur, 0);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur2, 0);
                    if (analogRead(A0) >= 300)
                        digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
                        digitalWrite(12, LOW);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur, vg - ecart);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur2, vd + ecart);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur, vg);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur2, vd);
                    if (analogRead(A1) >= 300)
                        digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
                        digitalWrite(13, LOW);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur, vg + ecart);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur2, vd - ecart);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur, vg);
                        analogWrite(pinMoteur2, vd);

According to this code, when the car encounters a laser, it turns during 1s, then goes straight during 1s. The 1st delay allows the car to turn enough to return between the 2 lasers. The 2nd delay allows the car to return between the lasers without being disturbed by the laser that illuminates the photodiode a second time during the turn.